Being home.

It’s really nice being home, I’m riding my motor bike around alot and playing with my friends from school and Riverside again.


This will be my last blog, I’m glad that you guys have been reading it and a big thank you for your comments.



We went driving all around the area on the weekend to see what’s different. The flying fox was the same.


It’s good to be home.

So see you all later.

Lukoia Coffey over and out.

We’re home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday we went over to mums friend CJ’s house and I met her son Eli, he was cool.  We were at Venice Beach playing then we went over to his friends place nextdoor and had a big nerf war with the neighbours kids. We played American football as well and we went boogie boarding with our mums in some biggish waves, it was fun.

Then we got picked up to go to the airport and after 1 more sleep and maybe 4 movies we’ll be home in NZ. Oh and we bumped into our friends from Motueka in the boarding lounge. Louie and his mum Boogie and his uncle Dexter were heading home too. I asked if Louie and I could go into the cockpit together because he really likes planes too. They said sure. Air New Zealand crew are soooo nice and they have the best food on planes and now they have seat chat. So you can send messages on your movie screen to other people sitting on the plane, it’s cool.


Thats when we arrived to Auckland airport.

Ok a couple of movies and a sleep later and now we’re back home in New Zealand.

On the way over I watched

1. The Maze Runner

2. The Hobbit  Unexpected Journey .

We got picked up by our friends Soreya and Braydon and now we’re staying in their nice house in pleasantville. That’s what mum calls Hobsonville because its all new houses. We dropped Braydon off at his school which is pretty cool. The kids are the teachers and the teachers are the students there, and they dont have classrooms just big shared areas.

Anyway I’m seeing friends soon and we’ve got stuff to do so see you later.

Lukoia Coffey.

Over and out and HOME again!

The short blog.

Yesterday we went to the airport and got our plane from Guatemala city to Houston Texas. When we got there we had 1.5 hours and they only had 2 checkout windows open at immigration and we waited 45 minutes to get through there then we had to run to get our bags and then sprint half a mile to catch our flight to L.A. When we got on the plane we heard the captain say ” we have to wait another 15 minutes to get clearance on the runway and we have 2 late bags coming on board.  That was ours,  luckily.

We saw these cool guys at the airport (above)

When we got to L.A we had to wait a long time for the shuttle. We waited so long until mum got over waiting, so we caught an expensive taxi to the house in Santa Monica and then had dinner and went straight to bed. Today we’re going out with mums friends which will be fun.


Lukoia Maya Coffey over and out.

Sleeping over at Lucas’s awesome place

This weekend I went over to Lucas’s house and stayed for 2 nights.
It was awesome fun, he loves cooking so we made

1.chocolate mouse pie

2.chocolate raisin cinnamon rolls

3.chicken soup

4.coco chip pie

5.chai tea

6.grilled chicken with spices.

7. blue cheese popcorn

We also built a forgery out of adobe today and I made an awesome sword.

What we did was…

1. Heated up metal in our awesome fire pit that we made out of mud and hay, we used wood of course for the fire, a metre long metal pipe and a hair dryer.

Lucas made a copper chicken hook thing for roasting chickens above the fire and I made a sword, at least tried to…..

This was us at El Dragon


Anyways I have to go now, because our mums said we could have another sleepover. YES! But of course I have to do this blog before I am allowed.

So thats it, done!

This is what our mums get when we can stay longer together.

Lukoia Coffey over and out.

I’ll upload more photos soon

Our day.

Yesterday we went to a Natural park and it had a huge jumping platform for jumping into the lake. It looked cool, but we didn’t do it because there’s so much algae in the lake right now and its not that healthy for swimming in.


This is a really nice mural we saw on the way to dropping off our washing its not quite finished. After that we went back to Lucus’s house for the afternoon art and dance program.


I taught these kids on the street how to use the diablo along the way. My diablo is making lots of new friends.

I sat under a pyramid  for a while because I was not feeling that energised in the morning, so I sat under it for 10 sec and then I was off down the road like a blue rodeo.


Later at the kids programme I did more school work and a workout. We had to do 40 push ups, 40 crunchys, 40 skips without stopping and it was tiring, but also surprisingly excellent.

Me and Lucas played afterwards and made plans for our sleep over tonight and I don’t think it’s going to be a sleep over its going to be a slumber party!

And I found some more new friends.IMG_20150903_124022540



These guys even followed me home.  Mum says I’m like the pied piper with dogs following me everywhere.

The end Lukoia Coffey over and out.


Its a bit sad here at the moment, the lake is covered in algae which looks really bad and its not good for swimming.

Yesterday we went to an after school activity in San Marcos and I met this really cool kid named Lucas and we played for ages after the art class.

In the program we did…


1. Circus. Playing with hula hoops and diablo’s.


2.Fun games like musical chairs with hula hoops.


3.Then we did arts and crafts. We drew posters and played twister.

4. Singing with action songs in spanish. Lucas was my translator.


Lucas has an awesome place to live and he’s a great friend and he has 9 dogs And 4 cats at his house.

And he likes to play pool. I’m going over to his house today after he’s finished doing his home schooling. I can’t wait. But first we’re going on the boat to Panahachel to do some shopping. I hope I find the knife that I like.

Here’s another photo of yesterday too at Del Lago looking across to San Pedro volcano….


Lukoia Coffey over and out.

I’m in dogsville, yaaay!!

This is a cool mural on the wall here in San Marcos.

Another really cool thing about San Marcos is that I am surrounded by DOGS here☺ ITS GREAT!!!!!!

Especially since lately I’ve been researching Husky’s and German Shepherd’s because some day when I’m older I’m going to get one.

Last night when mum and I were walking home after dinner I had some left over bread in my pocket because earlier we saw a really starving dog so we found her and in 2 seconds of the bread being on the ground there were already 5 dogs around it.

The next morning when we were having breakfast this big fluffy husky came along and ate my left over jam and butter.


Then this black strong dog escorted us to the main drag which is a path way where we met this guy called Diego and he loves jade because he’s a stone caver.He was telling me about all the different types of jade there are here in Guatemala.



On the way home to Lush we found a nice little friend that liked to bite. He was so cute.


I have to go now because I’m off to find some more doggy friends.


Lukoia Coffey over and out.

The swap over.

Yesterday we got a boat across the lake from San Pedro to San Marco and I got dropped off by Helen to meet mum.

When I got to mum I was so exited to see her and to ask when we are going home and she said in 2 weeks.

This is the new place that we are staying and its really cool…




The photo up top is taken inside our room and what’s holding the glass together is paper mache. Pretty awesome aye.

IN 2 WEEKS I’M COMING HOME YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!?!!!*!***€&^$_&$&$&$! $! $! $€$!? $!”*”!”! ($! $! $*$*$€×_@/@/#&$! $?@*#**.


Anyways, when I get home I have so much to do like…

1. Open a cafe for humans and dogs.

2. Open a black smith shop.

3. See all my friends.

4. Go back to school.

Anyways I have to go now so see you later don’t forget your toilet paper.

Lukoia Coffey over and out.

The streets of Antigua.

Today we walked the streets of Antigua and we went all the way to the middle of town where there was a park which is like most Guatamalan towns. They call this park the ‘zocolo’.

While we were walking around Antigua the first day, we slowly found out about the earth quakes at that town.

There were old buildings that had fallen down and they looked so beautiful. We looked it up on Google the next morning and it told us….  1773, an earth quake struck Antigua it was estimated around 7.5 and it was followed by alot of after shocks and they lasted until december 1773.


We kind of just hung around town for the day and did nothing.

It was so fun making dessert tonight because it was a surprise for Dad.

We had….

Banana cake with banana, peach, lychees, lime and cream.

It was so tasty.

This is the last blog I’m doing with Dad and Helen for a while.

I’m So relieved.  ; ) just kidding.  🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

The end

Lukoia coffey over and out.

Three places at once.

Yesterday we woke up in the morning and stretched, yawned and then packed our bags. We were leaving from Tikal to go to Antigua to hopefully hike up a volcano. There were no buses in the daytime, so we took the night bus for 10 hours to Guatemala city. To get to the night bus, we had to take a mini bus from El Remate to Santa Elena and then wait 8 hours until 10 pm.

While we were waiting, we walked down to the park by a massive lake and on the way we stopped in at a mall and I played some video games in the arcade. Then we walked over the bridge onto an island with a town called Flores. And then I went and looked in some shops and I saw some cool jewelry and an awesome knife.. It was kind of like a small dagger. We walked all the way around the island and it took us about one hour.

We headed back to the bus station and on the way there, we saw a little taco shop and Dad didn’t think that I would like it, but when he looked over at my plate, it was all gone. They were the best tacos I’ve had in a long time.

We caught the big bus at 10 pm to Guatemala city, and on the way all we did was ….ummmmmm…. Not sleep…and be uncomfortable.. This was a luxury bus and it was so bad.

When we got there at 6 am this morning, we caught a mini bus to Antigua.. It took us 1 hour. When we got here we saw the amazing view of the volcanic volcano of volcanoes…. And then we asked how much it would be to hike up one and see the lava and they said 287 New Zealand dollars.. And they also said in a whisper…” Its’ not been working that properly lately” . So, we decided not to climb ,sadly….

So…we’ve just been chillaxing this morning in the local markets.


Lukoia coffey over and out.

The end……